Joe Biden Makes Another Sexual Comment To Underage Girl

While speaking to press out on the campaign route, the former vice president was caught standing closer than the CDC-recommended six feet apart from the reporters. Biden was asked a question by a reporter when his wife Jill came from behind him and brought him back a few steps.

“I’m sorry,” Biden said as he was moved backward, trying to remember what he was saying

After his flight landed in Miami, Fla., he visited Little Haiti Cultural Center.

While he was visiting, he watched a performance by a group of school-age children. Afterwards he gave a speech about how Hispanics would be supported under a Biden administration. He then turned to the group of school age children to make this uncomfortable remark.

“The good news is, for me, I’m here. The bad news, for you, is I’m coming back,” he said. “I’m coming back, I’m coming back. And I want to see these beautiful young ladies, I want to see them dancing when they’re four years older, too,”

He said to the minors

Biden’s bizarre comments keep piling up and when soo many of them are sexual and towards young girls it can’t go unnoticed. He has struggled to speak tremendously over the past couple of years and even when he was sharper decades back, he was a gaffe machine filled with stupid and insensitive comments. Neither stupidity nor declining mental capacity should give him an excuse for his creepy and repulsive behavior towards minors and women. Stay tuned and we will keep you updated next time Joe makes an egregious statement.

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